Spine Organizations
The International Spinecare Directory offers a Subdirectory of Spinecare Organizations which provides the user with an effective platform for locating and learning more about available entities and their resources. Select Spinecare Organizations are invited to become members of the International Spine Association (ISA). Participating Spinecare Organizations are invited to complete and update a detailed online profile. The subdirectory provides tools to help the user locate relevant Spinecare Organizations.
The ISA provides spinecare specialists with access to Information Prescription Forms which can be used to direct their patients and/or family members to relevant spinecare information and information on the International Spinecare Directory. The general public and patients can access the forms directly on the ISA website to be taken to their spinecare provider to be completed.
The International Spinecare Directory and all of its subdirectories are managed by the International Spine Association (ISA). The primary mission of the ISA is to improve spine health and spinecare through education. To learn more about your spine, spine health, and available spinecare go to the International Spine Association (ISA) at www.spineinformation.org