Spinecare Topics
Common Causes of Back Pain
Back pain is a very common condition. Despite being of epidemic proportions, it remains a poorly understood condition. Back pain is a symptom and does not represent a specific diagnosis. Physicians often use the diagnosis of “lumbalgia� to describe pain in the low back. The term literally means low back pain.
The cause for back pain may be simple or complex. It may be associated with pain arising from one cause or many causes. In many cases the exact cause for back pain is not determined. There is usually a physical or mechanical factor, which contributes to the onset of back pain. Most individuals who develop low back pain are predisposed secondary to underlying conditions, structural abnormalities and/or because of prior cumulative microtrauma, which render spinal tissues more vulnerable. There are many conditions, which can lead to the development of back pain especially in predisposed people. Some of these conditions are listed below.
- Overuse and repetitive motions involving use of the back muscles
- Making an awkward motion
- Poorly performed stretching in connection with an exercise routine
- Trying to lift something too heavy or improperly
- Longstanding poor posture
- Poor core muscle strength
- Deconditioning